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Thursday, May 14, 2015

10daystogether - Spring 2015

May 14 - 24, 2015
10 Days Together
Seeking God for the Denver Area
and all of Colorado

Let's Seek God Together - As ONE in Complete Unity

Between Asension Thursday on May 14 and Penticost Sunday on May 24, the plan is simple:
Gather God's people from across the entire Denver metro area AS ONE, in "complete unity" (John 17:20 ) to pray for an outpouring of God's presence and power in and through THE CHURCH across Metro Denver and the State of Colorado. As the apostles did in the upper room, we will wait upon the Lord believing for a release of His glory for our city and the entire state.

May 14 - May 24 -     Denver Area Prayer Meetings

You can participate  in this 10 Days Together in person and/or through an online community. There will be formal prayer/worship meetings each day, an open prayer room and an online Prayer Community to raise up God's people to pray for our city 24 hrs a day throughout the 10 Days Together.   We will be meeting each evening at 7 p.m., each morning at 7 a.m. and each noontime for prayer and communion.

Read below and check out the Blogspot for more information:

Online Prayer Community - Join the 7x24 Canopy of Prayer

The Online Prayer Community is for those who cannot be with us in person, or who in addition, want to dedicate special times during the 24/7 days of our 10 Days Together.  Sign up for as many Prayer Promise time slots as you can faithfully fulfill.  You can also post prayers, insight, and comments in the Discussion threads in the 10 Days Together group in the online Prayer Community

Go to to create an account, join the 10 Days Together group in the Prayer Community and make a Prayer Promise for this initiative.
Daily Schedule at a Glance
Let us come together as THE CHURCH of Denver to wait upon the Lord....believing for an outpouring of Holy Spirit on the Front Range and all of Colorado!

May 14 - 24
Daily Open Prayer

5 a.m. to 10 p.m
Orchard Road Christian Center
Prayer Room

+May 14 Thursday - Ascension Day
Service of Worship and Prayer 
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church

May 15 - Friday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM   Morning Prayer
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center

May 15 - Friday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church

May 16 - Saturday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM  Morning Prayer 
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center

May 16 - Saturday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ 
Bridgeway Church

May 17 - Sunday Morning
Cry out to God for Denver
At the Church of your choice

May 17 - Sunday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church

May 18 - Monday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM  Morning Prayer 
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center

May 18 - Monday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church

May 19 - Tuesday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM  Morning Prayer 
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center

May 19 - Tuesday 
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church

May 20 - Wednesday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM  Morning Prayer 
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center
May 20 - Wednesday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church

May 21 - Thursday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM  Morning Prayer 
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center

May 21 - Thursday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM @ Bridgeway Church
May 22 - Friday Daytime
7 AM - 9 AM  Morning Prayer 
Noon to 2 PM  Prayer & Communion
Orchard Road Christian Center

May 22 - Friday Evening
Shabbat Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM to 9 PM
Church in the City / Beth Abraham

May 23 - Saturday Morning
Shabbat Service of Worship and Prayer
10 AM to Noon
Church in the City / Beth Abraham
(Note: Luncheon "ONEG" follows the service)

May 23 - Saturday Evening
Service of Worship and Prayer
7 PM to 9 PM
Prepare the Way Ministries

May 24 - Pentecost - Sunday Morning
Cry out to God for Denver
At The Church you regularly attend

May 24 -Penticost - Sunday Evening
Service of Celebration & Outpouring
7 PM til?
Bridgeway Church
Ask God how to pray!
Prayerfully seek God to know how and when to join in prayer for 10 Days Together.  Believe with us in faith that, just as the apostles waited upon the Lord and He then released Holy Spirit upon them...God will pour out Holy Spirit on US, THE CHURCH of Denver to shift the atmosphere of our city and the entire state of Colorado.
Venues for 10 Days Together

Bridgeway Church
5201 E. Warren. Ave
Denver, CO 80222

Orchard Road Christian Center
8081 East Orchard Road
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Church in The City/Beth Abraham
1580 Gaylord Street
Denver, CO  80206

Prepare The Way Ministries
9940 E. Costilla Ave. Suite B, C, D
Centennial, CO 80112 

Online Prayer Community
10 Days Together


Spread The Word

Download flyers and poster to encourage others to join in 10 Days Together!!!    Please help us get the word out to the entire Denver Metro area.

Go to



Contact      Father Phil Eberhart
                    (720) 219-0055


Schedule & Flyers

Online Prayer Community
    + Schedule and locations

Fr Phil Eberhart
Tel: (720) 219-0055

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